While COVID-19 continues to impact the lives of everyone in Canada and around the world, we know that the pandemic has created unique pressures on the health and well-being of gay, bi, queer and trans men, and Two-Spirit and non-binary people (GBT2Q). Even before COVID-19, our communities have been facing significant mental, social, and sexual health challenges, which have been negatively impacted by physical distancing and the pandemic’s disruption to community spaces and health services that we rely on, such as testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. 

To help keep track of all the information going around related to COVID-19, especially concerning GBT2Q guys, we have compiled a list of our useful resources that you can consult to learn more. Check it out below:

  • The disruption to essential health and support services, coupled with new mental health and financial pressures, places more burden on our already marginalized LGBTQ2+ communities. The uncertainties of how this pandemic will unfold require action now to help queer and trans communities stay resilient.Since the onset of COVID-19, community organizations have been working hard to shift services and supports online. But government leadership is needed to mobilize new tools for adapting to the pandemic. Now is the time for governments at all levels to strengthen the COVID-19 response among LGBTQ2+ Canadians. Read more about Mental & Sexual Health Impacts of COVID-19 on Queer Men

  • In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Canadians are being asked to engage in social distancing. However, potential unintended consequences of self-imposed or legally-enforced social distancing in response to COVID- 19 are the potential to negative impacts on mental, social, sexual, and physical health. This is especially true for marginalized populations, such as gay, bisexual, queer, trans, Two-Spirit, and other men who have sex with men (GBQT2+), who already have elevated rates of mental health challenges, such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Check out this study to learn more about How Might Social Distancing Impact Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Trans and Two‑Spirit Men in Canada?

  • Every day the nation’s leading health experts and political figures speak to the evolving best practices and policies surrounding COVID-19. This dedication to transparency, flexibility and evidence-based decision making is commendable. These values, however, should be practiced in all health care matters – including when reassessing the discriminatory blood donation deferral policy, or “blood ban” as it’s known. Read more about how During the COVID-19 crisis, Canada’s blood ban continues to discriminate

  • As the COVID-19 epidemic continues to worsen, with a clear need for Canadians to take part in aggressive measures to prevent further spread of the virus, our leadership team has been meeting to discuss how CBRC can help minimize exposure and promote social distancing during this time of crisis. Read here CBRC’s COVID-19 Statement.

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