Creating Inclusive Lesbian+ Solidarities Across Canada

Closed captioning is available in both English and French.

As there are very few lesbian-based organizations across Canada, it has proven very difficult to create solidarities and networks between lesbian, queer and bisexual women and GNC individuals between provinces. As a Quebec-based community-based organization since 1996, the Quebec Lesbian Network mission has been to better understand experiences of lesbian, queer and bisexual women and GNC individuals at the intersection of sexism and homophobia in order to create action at the political level. In response to the lack of knowledge about the specific issues faced by LBQ communities, Quebec Lesbian Network launched a 2023 survey on systemic barriers within Quebec-based LBQ communities, reaching 1,108 participants throughout the province. In the first part of this workshop, Quebec Lesbian Network will present the main results of our survey — notably reported statistics and experiences of economic precarity, sexual violence, gynecological violence, lesbophobia and gender diversity within lesbian communities. This will set the table for the second part of this workshop which aims to create a discussion around LBQ solidarities across Canada to address these issues and create better lesbian visibility in an inclusive manner. What other issues and problems are being reported by organizations serving LBQ populations? How can we create better links between interprovincial associations, organizations and individuals? How do we work together for funding opportunities and projects? At the end of this workshop, The Quebec Lesbian Network will share an online platform created specifically for this event in order to keep in touch with interested individuals and organizations.

Tara Chanady, Cynthia Eysseric, Florence Gagnon (Quebec Lesbian Network)

Disponible en français.


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Community-Based Research Centre (CBRC) promotes the health of people of diverse sexualities and genders through research and intervention development.
Creating Inclusive Lesbian+ Solidarities Across Canada
Creating Inclusive Lesbian+ Solidarities Across Canada
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